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Giving Tuesday

The holidays are a time of sharing, a time of giving, and a time of providing support to those you love and causes you believe in. When you are deciding on a non-profit to support this season, we want to encourage you to support the Columbus Pride Bands.

This past year has been and amazing year for us. The band has grown to over 100 active members, our concert attendance is increasing, we are introducing more interactive elements to our performances and we are preparing to host a national pride band conference in 2024! On top of that, we do 3 major performances and multiple small gigs throughout the year. We are creating a fun and welcoming environment for our members who want to continue to pursue their passion in music.

So how do you give this year?

We encourage you to gift through the Columbus Foundations Giving Store. This year on Giving Tuesday—TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28—The Columbus Foundation will cover ALL fees for gifts made by credit card in The Giving Store, so 100% of donations will go directly to nonprofits (like the Columbus Pride Bands)! That's amazing because it helps your gift go further. The event link leads you to the Giving Store.

You can also donate thru the Support Us page here on the website or by check.

Created in 2012, Giving Tuesday started as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past decade, Giving Tuesday has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of individuals to give, help, and share—all in the name of building a kind and just world.

The Giving Store - Donate here!

November 26

Worthington Holiday Open House

December 3

German Village Lights